
Yanqi Lake Lectures on Algebra, Part III

Primary LanguageTeX

This are the XeLaTeX sources for the my lecture notes on commutative algebra, entitled somewhat pompously as Yanqi Lake Lectures on Algebra, Part III. These notes have been used at

These notes are slightly outdated, poorly organized, and the mathematical contents have not been thoroughly checked yet. Please use them at your own risk. The author does not intend to publish these notes.

How to compile

System requirements

The source codes are to be compiled using XeLaTeX. The reader is assumed to work under the UN*X + bash environment.

The recipes below can be tweaked to work under Windows, but this is not recommended. The simplest solution is to go open-source.

We only need the standard packages and fonts, such as

The aforementioned OpenType fonts should be installed system-wide to be accessible by XeLaTeX.

For some strange reason, I used and installed the fonts TeX Gyre Heros Cn and TeX Gyre Pagella. In case of error messages related to these fonts, please look for the OTF files (in the directories in your computer which store TeX-related fonts) whose names begin with texgyreheroscn and texgyrepagella, then install them manually in your system.

Make sure that all the relevant packages/programs are installed. For reference, the author made the compilation using Arch-based Linux distributions with TeX Live 2018; the packages biber and texlive-science are required.

Clone the files

As a preparation for the compilation process, we will clone the files into ~/Yanqi-Algebra-3 in our home directory. In command line, type

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/wenweili/Yanqi-Algebra-3

All the source files are encoded in UTF-8, which is the de facto standard for storing multilingual texts (although the document is largely written in English). If you encounter problems in opening the source files under Windows, try to re-configure your editor or convert the encoding manually.

Compile the TeX source

Move to the directory

cd ~/Yanqi-Algebra-3

Then, either type

latexmk -pdf -pdflatex="xelatex -shell-escape -interaction=nonstopmode %O %S" YAlg3

under bash, or more simply


The resulting PDF file should appear as YAlg3.pdf in the same directory. Note that the main file is YAlg3.tex.

To clean up everything in our directory except the PDF file, type

make clean

The source codes

These notes are based on the standard book document class from LaTeX. Some other macros are outsourced to mycommands.sty and myarrows.sty.

The cover page

The cover page is in the file Cover-page.pdf, which will automatically be included in the resulting main PDF file after compilation. It is made from the open source software Scribus; the source file in .sla format is not included here.


In case of problems of compilation, please kindly report to the author. Make sure that all the system requirements above are met, and provide detailed error messages. Other suggestions are also welcome.


Except possibly the photos and the logo of UCAS, the entire codebase is under CC BY-NC 4.0.