Hello, I am a JavaScript software developer whose specialty lies in developing Full Stack Apps using React and Node.js
HomeListerSan Jose
Pinned Repositories
Practice Interview Coding Challenges
Unity Mobile Game Test
This project utilizes the IEX Cloud API to fetch stock information, which communicates with my internal API using Nodejs and Expressjs. In this application, users can register or log in to their account, which uses fake money stored on my database to buy or sell shares from various companies. It also uses visuals from the Google graphs library to help the user make the most out of trading shares.
Fireworks program made using Webgl, three.js and html
This project focuses on building a login system for employees to login and see their performance evaluation results.
The application allows the user to create their custom skateboard in 3D realtime.
The application was developed to experiment and get familiar with JavaScript canvas. The game is based on the classic snake game, where you control a snake that increases in length every time it eats an apple. The snake can be moved in four different directions using a grid-style system. You can do everything you could in the classic snake game, plus I added a small leaderboard so that you can always try to beat your last score.
This application's goal was to gain more experience with API requests and Heroku as a hosting platform. In this app, you can search through all of Star Wars characters and learn more about them. I am using swapi(Star Wars API) to get the data using the Axios package. On the other hand, I used react-bootstrap to put together a dynamic table, a search bar, and a pagination feature that all work together to deliver a more refined experience. Also, if you feel the Star Wars spirit, you can always immerse yourself further by clicking on the volume button to enable one of the Star Wars classic soundtracks while you learn more about its characters. This project was a lot of fun to make, and I learned a lot about Heroku, creating a dynamic, searchable table and how to cache data from the APIs to reduce the number of calls.
This project utilizes the Twitter API, which communicates with my internal API using Nodejs and Expressjs. In this application, you can search tweets in a user's timeline or use search all tweets by content. Users will also be able to see random tweets from my favorite list of Twitter user accounts, or you can press a button to select a random user and a random tweet from my list.
Application used to search for video game information and community posts.
Areyesfigueroa's Repositories
This project utilizes the IEX Cloud API to fetch stock information, which communicates with my internal API using Nodejs and Expressjs. In this application, users can register or log in to their account, which uses fake money stored on my database to buy or sell shares from various companies. It also uses visuals from the Google graphs library to help the user make the most out of trading shares.
Unity Mobile Game Test
Practice Interview Coding Challenges
Fireworks program made using Webgl, three.js and html
This project focuses on building a login system for employees to login and see their performance evaluation results.
Software Engineer Portfolio Website
The application allows the user to create their custom skateboard in 3D realtime.
The application was developed to experiment and get familiar with JavaScript canvas. The game is based on the classic snake game, where you control a snake that increases in length every time it eats an apple. The snake can be moved in four different directions using a grid-style system. You can do everything you could in the classic snake game, plus I added a small leaderboard so that you can always try to beat your last score.
This project utilizes the Twitter API, which communicates with my internal API using Nodejs and Expressjs. In this application, you can search tweets in a user's timeline or use search all tweets by content. Users will also be able to see random tweets from my favorite list of Twitter user accounts, or you can press a button to select a random user and a random tweet from my list.
Application used to search for video game information and community posts.
This application's goal was to gain more experience with API requests and Heroku as a hosting platform. In this app, you can search through all of Star Wars characters and learn more about them. I am using swapi(Star Wars API) to get the data using the Axios package. On the other hand, I used react-bootstrap to put together a dynamic table, a search bar, and a pagination feature that all work together to deliver a more refined experience. Also, if you feel the Star Wars spirit, you can always immerse yourself further by clicking on the volume button to enable one of the Star Wars classic soundtracks while you learn more about its characters. This project was a lot of fun to make, and I learned a lot about Heroku, creating a dynamic, searchable table and how to cache data from the APIs to reduce the number of calls.
Aliel Reyes Web Portfolio
The application was developed to showcase my JavaScript skills. It allows for continuous operations to be executed, memory buttons, and I added some extra styling to make it my own. This project tested my problem solving and logic skills.
Branch project
Intended for me to personally go over Data Structures in preparation for interviews as well as technical questions as necessary.
React Native Tutorial App
Used to quickly setup a React, Node.js and Express with all my core dependencies via the package.json file.
:octocat: :clipboard: Guidelines for building GitHub templates
In-Class Respository
Endless Runner mobile game developing in Unreal
Online Courses and tutorial projects.
Game Project
This project is a 2D stealth mobile game.
Three.js project to showcase 3D models and animations imported from Maya files.
Practicing Typescript
Android Application made to keep track of your food ingredients and match them with real recipes