
Bus Reservation System in C language

Primary LanguageC++

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Bus Reservation System - README


This Bus Reservation System is developed in C language. It's designed to manage bus ticket bookings, providing various functionalities like seat reservation, bus rental, passenger management, and feedback collection.


  • Passenger Management: Handling passenger details, ticket booking, and editing passenger data.
  • Bus Management: Managing bus details including bus information, seat availability, and rental options.
  • Login System: Secure access to the system.
  • Search and Sorting: Features to search passengers by name or seat number and sort by name or age.
  • Feedback System: Collecting feedback from passengers.
  • Timetable and Pricing: Displaying bus timetables and ticket prices.


The system uses several structures:

  • Tickets: For passenger details.
  • bus: For bus information.
  • login: For login credentials.
  • feedback: For storing passenger feedback.


  1. display_in_detail: Show passenger details.
  2. searchbyname: Find passenger by name.
  3. searchbyseat: Find passenger by seat number.
  4. sortbyname: Sort passengers by name.
  5. sortbyage: Sort passengers by age.
  6. booking: Handle ticket booking.
  7. view_bus_list: Show list of buses.
  8. login_sys: Handle system login.
  9. cancel_seat: Cancel a seat reservation.
  10. edit_data: Edit passenger data.
  11. display: Display passenger information in a list.
  12. timetable: Show bus timetables.
  13. Rent_whole_Bus: Rent an entire bus.
  14. feedback_from_pass: Collect feedback.
  15. rent_per_seat: Display rent per seat for buses.


  1. Login: Use predefined credentials (username=user, password=code) to log in.
  2. Main Menu: Navigate through various options like viewing passenger details, booking tickets, renting buses, etc.
  3. Data Management: Use the respective functions to add, edit, or view data.


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Ensure you have a C compiler installed.
  3. Compile the program using your C compiler.
  4. Run the executable to start the application.


This project is open-sourced under the MIT License.