
ML project - Identifying product in user complaint dataset. - LSTM (tensorflow) Embedding (GLOVE) postgreSQL

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Identifying the product in a user complaint.

  • LSTM (tensorflow)
  • Embedding (GLOVE)
  • postgreSQL
$python main.py -h
usage: main.py [-h] [-p PREDICT] [-t] [-m [METHOD]]

Identifying the product in a user complaint.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PREDICT, --predict PREDICT
                        Classify a text.
  -t, --train           Build the model.
  -m [METHOD], --method [METHOD]
                        Pruning method. Use with train.

What's inside this folder

  • notebooks
    • Identifying_the_product_in_a_user_complaint.ipynb | new file
  • artifacts
    • model_products.h5 | new file
    • tokenized.json | new file
  • code
    • data_cleaning.py | new file
    • embedding_glove.py | new file
    • main.py | new file
    • net_data_structure.py | new file
    • predict.py | new file
    • training.py | new file
  • data
    • complaints_companies.csv
    • complaints_users.csv
    • glove.6B
      • glove.6B.50d.txt | new file
    • issues.csv
    • products.csv
  • misc
    • db_config.yaml
    • etl.py | modified
    • README.md | modified
    • requirements.txt
    • schemas.yaml
  • Challenge - ML Engineer - NLP.docx

Software Architecture

Drag Racing


Jupyter notebook. Use this file to understand how the network is built and the reasoning behind it.

model_products.h5 and tokenized.json

These files are created after the training phase from the class Training. model_products.h5 store the neural network weight whereas the tokenized.json stores the sequence of vectors of the corpus.


This file implements the class DataCleaning . It does the text preprocessing in following steps:

  • Replace contractions
  • Remove not ascii code
  • Lowercase
  • Remove punctuation
  • Manage currency, numbers and date (obfuscate)
dc = DataCleaning()
dc.normalize("text raw")


This file implements the class EmbeddingGlove. It creates the embedding matrix with the well-know Glove vectorial space. The embedding matrix is passed as argument to the Embedding layer of the NN. It is used in the Training class.

e_m = EmbeddingGlove( MAX_WORDS, 


Entry point file.

  • To run the training > python main.py [-t|--training ] [ (optional)-m|--method [mean|median|quartile]]
  • To run the prediction > python main.py [-p|--predict "complaining product text"]


This file implements the class NNetDS . This class is a data structure that permit to share parameters of the neural network inside of the Training class.


This file implements the class Prediction. Giving a text, it predicts a product. This class uses the files model_products.h5 and tokenizer.json stored in the artifacts folder. This class is used in main.py.

p = Predict()
p.get_product_name("message 1") -> (Prod_1,Sub_prod_1)
p.get_product_name("message 2")-> (Prod_1,Sub_prod_2)


This file implements the class Training. It builds the neural network and trains the model. This class produces the files model_product.h5 and tokenizer.json used by Prediction class. The structure of the network is implemented into build_tf_model(self) method. The object of this class accepts the parameter pruning_method. This parameter permits to do clean the dataset reducing the number of products removing products with few comments. This class is used in main.py.

pruning_method = "mean" # mean| median | quartile| None


I've created a new table to map the product_id with a new_product_id. This table is created during the training phase and used during the prediction phase.

name: new_product_id_mapping
  size: small
  columns: ['product_id', 'new_product_id']
  schema: |
    product_id integer  primary key,
    new_product_id integer not null


I've introduced three methods:

  • insert_new_product_id_table: this method inserts a new row into the table new_product_id_mapping. Each row has two values a product_id and the new_product_id.
def insert_new_product_id_table(self, df):
        with DBConnection(self.db_config_path) as connection:
            cur = connection.cursor()
                for i in df.index:
                    query = "Insert into new_product_id_mapping ( product_id,new_product_id) values ( {} , {}) ".format(df['product_id'][i],df['new_product_id'][i])
            except Exception as e:
                logging.error(f"Error during insert new product id", e)
  • select_complaints_users_from_db: this method is used to get the complaints_users dataset from the DB. Only the columns complaint_id , complaint_text, product_id are extracted.
def select_complaints_users_from_db(self):
         with DBConnection(self.db_config_path) as connection:
            cur = connection.cursor()
            query = "select complaint_id , complaint_text, product_id from complaints_users"
            result = cur.fetchall()
            return result
  • select_product_name: this method returns the main_product and sub_product from a new_product_id with nested select. (We can replace this sql query using the JOIN)
    def select_product_name(self,new_id):
        with DBConnection(self.db_config_path) as connection:
            cur = connection.cursor()
            query = "select main_product , sub_product from products where product_id = (select product_id from new_product_id_mapping where new_product_id = {})".format(new_id)
            result = cur.fetchone()
            return result


  • postgress:11 => I forced -e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust to run postgress without password
  • install psycopg2 my ubuntu 18.04 => install sudo apt install libpq-dev python3-dev before to install pip install psycopg2==2.8.4