
This is our projecct for WebApplication subject fall 2016. The project has two parts over the semester.

We are Using these Technologies:

  • .net Core MVC

  • .net Core Identity

  • .net Core Entity

  • Bankid.no dev kit

  • Jquery 3

  • Jquery 3 datepicker

  • Node.js running Gulp.js for helping with compiling and moving scss and ts/js files into wwwrot

  • gulp.js

  • fixer.io for currency values

  • Travis we have enlisted Travis to do builds on all our pull requests, to help us cooperate easier


To get this to compile you need to have .net Core 1.0.1 installed and update visual studio with the latest release. You can get the tools from here: https://www.microsoft.com/net/core#windows
You also need Node.js installed. Gulp should run from visual studio, if not run npm i -g gulp-cli


You want to initialise the Db you need to run some commands from the commandline navigate into the projectfolder src/Groupproject and run these commands dotnet ef migrations add migrationname anddotnet ef database update theres also a readme file in the projectfile that explains this in more detail


Username for demo user is 26118742957 Password is 123456789Ole this can also be found in Data/Seeddata

Part two

  • Added an admin in seeddata:
    + username: 20058348741
    + password: 20058348741Ole
  • Fixed alot of bugs
  • cleaned up some code
  • Admin can create new users
  • new users are created with a default account
  • Admin can run tranactions that users have created
  • Admin can change info on users
  • Moved Controller Logic into Buisness Layer
  • Added tests for adminController
  • Added Unittests to our CI server