Smartsheets - IT Projects overview

Purpose: Provide those outside the PMO team w/ a summary report w/out needing to register them a SmartSheets account

Automated report replacing the monthly PMO project rolllup, based on the prior SmartSheets monthly pdf. Moved this reporting into PowerBI so non-PMO staff can have visibility of content w/out needing a (free) SmartSheets license (and IT from having to manage those licenses)


Page About Image
Landing An overview of the PMO's portfolio, the size and spread of those projects.
Project list A list of all the current and previous projects, with key callouts
Project detail Provides an overview of the selected project, it's health, sponsors and key contacts (which include mailto links)
Risks Provides an overview of the risks related to the specific project
Decisions Provides an overview of the decisions related to the specific project
Proposed projects list Outlines the projects which have yet to be scoped and accepted / declined
Portfolio risk summary Provides an overview of the PMO's risk exposure, and calls out the projects with the most emerging risks or issues

Datasets - TODO

Connection process

Pulls queries from the three (3) components of SmartSheets, via the public PowerBI connector

  • Tables
  • Views
  • Reports



Table Defintion
Intake Sheet All the project requests, as lodged by our users / teams
Portfolio Managers PMO staff
Projects Core table
Project Contacts Key people related to each project; requestee, project manager and the executive sponsor
Decision Log Decisions made related to specific projects, determining scope
Risk Register Identified and graded risks to the project's launch / release
Lessons Learnt Registered incidents / issues / near-misses from previous and ongoing projects
Milestones Key dates in the project schedule
Schedule Table All tasks in the project schedule
Portfolio Metrics pre-generated report available in SmartSheets
Overdue pre-generated view from SmartSheets

Measures - TODO

Measure Defintion
Projects m1 def
Active Projects m1 def
Active Projects at Risk m1 def
Active Projects at low health m1 def
Proposals m def
Tasks m def

User guide: