
This is a statistical analysis of criminal activities in vancouver dataset available from kaggle. Also, different machine learning approaches are being applied to the dataset for prediction modelling. (Under-Development)

**Link to dataset: ** https://www.kaggle.com/wosaku/crime-in-vancouver/data

Statistical Analysis

Files to know


This files provides all the necessary functions to generate initial results from the dataset.

Running the analysis function inside data_analysis.py generates the different types of columns and the different types of criminal activities reported.

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It also shows the number of Neighborhoods and their names

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This shows the per type count values for th various criminal activities reported.

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This also provides an interactive way to input the year and month to generate month-specific criminal activities reported. alt text

The distribution of crimes per day is given here. It is a normal distribution with an outlier over 600 and has a mean at around 95

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The crime_time_series analysis tries to demonstrate how the number of criminal activities varied within 2STDs

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Predictive Modelling

Here, we are introduced a new column named "Classification" which is set to +1 if the criminal activity occured via Vehicle Collision else everything else is set to -1. We ran the ML models over 50,000 data-points due to memory constraints on our computing systems.

Logistic Regression

Our main reason to apply logistic regression over linear regression is to regress over a categorical outcome(+1,-1)


ROC Curve:

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Decision Tree

We decide to run the decision tree technique which splits the dataset based on feature selection by calculating the entropy and information gain

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