this script downloads files or folders using aria2 and uploads to cloud using rclone

Primary LanguageShell


this script downloads files or folders using aria2 and uploads to cloud using rclone.

This tool can upload files tocloud and telegram from links.

Setup tutorial

git clone https://github.com/ArghyadipBiswas/DL-UL && cd DL-UL && chmod 777 * && ./setup_debian.sh

Settings Credentials

goto telegram website and grap app id and api hash goto Botfather , create bot and grab bot token

now edit up.py api_id= put your api id after '=', api_hash="" put your api hash between quotes , bot_token="" as previous put bot token between quotes, chat_id= put your telegram id after '='.


if you face any issue you can contact me on telegram by clicking here


Thanks to pyrogram for library

Dont forget to star🌟 and fork the repository