
Java Client for Algorithmia Algorithms and Data API

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Java client for accessing Algorithmia's algorithm marketplace and data APIs.

Algorithmia Client Java Docs

Run Status

Latest Release

Getting started

The Algorithmia java client is published to Maven central and can be added as a dependency via:


Instantiate a client using your API Key:

AlgorithmiaClient client = Algorithmia.client(apiKey);


  • API key may be omitted only when making calls from algorithms running on the Algorithmia cluster
  • Using version range [,1.1.0) is recommended as it implies using the latest backward-compatible bugfixes.

Calling Algorithms

Algorithms are called with the pipe method using any input that can be serialized to JSON, or binary byte data.

Algorithm addOne = client.algo("docs/JavaAddOne");
AlgoResponse response = addOne.pipe(41);
Integer result = response.as(new TypeToken<Integer>(){});
Double durationInSeconds = response.getMetadata().duration;

If you already have serialzied JSON, you can call call pipeJson instead:

Algorithm foo = client.algo("")
String jsonWords = "[\"transformer\", \"terraforms\", \"retransform\"]"
AlgoResponse response = addOne.pipeJson(jsonWords)

You can also set options (query parameters in the API spec) on calls. There are several approaches to do this, and they are all equivalent

// Helper methods for specific parameters in the API spec:
Algorithm addOne = client.algo("docs/JavaAddOne")
                         .setTimeout(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES)

AlgoResponse response = addOne.pipe(41);

Casting results in Java

For an algorithm that returns a string:

stringResult.as(new TypeToken<String>(){});

For an algorithm that returns an array of strings:

stringArrayResult.as(new TypeToken<List<String>>(){});

For an algorithm that returns a custom class, cast the result to that class:

class CustomClass {
    int maxCount;
    List<String> items;
customClassResult.as(new TypeToken<CustomClass>(){});

For debugging, it is often helpful to get the JSON String representation of the result:


In order to cast the result to a specific type, call .as() with a TypeToken. On the right pane, you'll find examples of how to do this to return a string, an array of strings, and a custom class.

Working with Data

Manage your data stored within Algorithmia:

// Create a directory "foo"
DataDirectory foo = client.dir("data://.my/foo");

// Create a directory with specific ACL
DataDirectory fooLimited = client.dir("data://.my/fooLimited");

// Or, update the directory's ACL after creation

// View the directory's permissions
fooLimited.getPermissions().getReadPermissions() == DataAclType.PRIVATE

// Upload files to "foo" directory
foo.file("sample.txt").put("sample text contents");
foo.file("binary_file").put(new byte[] { (byte)0xe0, 0x4f, (byte)0xd0, 0x20 });
foo.putFile(new File("/path/to/myfile"));

// List files in "foo"
for(DataFile file : foo.getFileIter()) {
    System.out.println(file.toString() " at URL: " + file.url());

// Get contents of files
String sampleText = foo.file("sample.txt").getString();
byte[] binaryContent = foo.file("binary_file").getBytes();
File tempFile = foo.file("myfile").getFile();

// Delete files and directories
foo.delete(true); // true implies force deleting the directory and its contents