
My first repository for training


My first repository for training.

I will use this repository for training and something else.

Its good.

Post from "The GitHub Blog":

Speak at GitHub Universe: three weeks left to submit proposals: universe

GitHub Universe is returning to San Francisco this fall, and we're looking for new voices to lead our breakout sessions.

Your stories are unique, and having lived them, you're the best person to share your insights with others.

If you're new to speaking, don't let that stop you.

With our submission deadline approaching on July 28, we're inviting you to share your session idea with us.

How to make your speaker proposal stand out

Here are some tips to keep in mind as you refine your speaker proposal.

Put your audience first and second

Identify who can benefit most from your story. Even if it’s a first-person experience, tell it to those individuals in a way that helps them connect with it. Make them feel like they’re a part of your experience by framing it in terms of similar experiences they might have and what they can do with the information you’re sharing.

Set the stakes

After your audience understands the problem, help them understand how to approach it and what’s novel about your approach. For more tips, check out Sarah Mei’s “What Your Conference Proposal is Missing”. There were a lot of memorable sessions last year, but these ones stood out as particularly impactful.