
Alx simple shell project

Primary LanguageC

Simple Shell

The Simple Shell is a basic command-line shell implemented in C. It provides users with a minimalistic command-line interface for running shell commands. This project was created as part of a learning exercise and serves as a simplified, educational example of how a shell can be implemented.

Table of Contents



A shell is a fundamental component of any operating system. It allows users to interact with the system by providing a text-based interface for running commands and managing processes. The Simple Shell project aims to provide a basic understanding of how a shell works and how it can be implemented.


  • Command Execution: The shell can execute various shell commands and external programs.

  • Change Directory (cd): Users can change their current working directory using the cd command.

  • Exit: The shell handles the exit command to terminate the shell.

  • Error Handling: The shell provides basic error handling for invalid commands and situations.

Getting Started

To get started with the Simple Shell, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone https://github.com/your-username/simple-shell.git
  2. Compile the code:

    gcc -o hsh *.c
  3. Run the shell:



The Simple Shell supports basic shell commands and external programs. Here are some examples of how to use the shell:

  • Running a command:

    '$ ls'
  • Changing directories (cd):

    '$ cd /path/to/directory'
  • Exiting the shell:

    '$ exit'

Please note that this is a minimal shell and does not support all the features of a full-featured shell like Bash.


The Simple Shell supports a variety of shell commands, including but not limited to:

  • ls: List files and directories in the current directory.
  • cd: Change the current working directory.
  • pwd: Print the current working directory.
  • echo: Print arguments to the standard output.
  • cat: Concatenate and display the content of files.
  • exit: Exit the shell.
  • ...

Error Handling

The shell includes basic error handling. It can detect and handle various error conditions, such as:

  • Invalid commands.
  • Issues with executing external programs.
  • Errors related to changing directories.