Legend of the Green Dragon by Eric "MightyE" Stevens (http://www.mightye.org) and JT "Kendaer" Traub (http://www.dragoncat.net) Software Project Page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/lotgd Modification AND Support Community Page: http://dragonprime.net Primary game servers: http://lotgd.net http://logd.dragoncat.net For a new installation, see INSTALLATION below. For upgrading a new installation, see UPGRADING below. If you have problems, please visit Dragonprime at the address above. ---------------------------------------------- -- UPGRADING: -------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ALWAYS extract the new distribution into a new directory! BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE, read and understand the new code license. This code is no longer under the GPL! Be aware that if you install this new version on a publically accessible web server you are bound by the terms of the license. We also *STRONGLY* recommend that you shut down access to your game and BACK UP your game database AND existing logd source files before attempting an upgrade as most of the changes are NOT easily reversible! If you are running a version after 0.9.7 you can do this by going into the manage modules, installing the serversuspend module and then activating it. If you are running a 0.9.7 version, you will need to do this some other way, such as via .htaccess under apache. Consult the documentation for your web server. Once you have done this, copy the new code into the site directory. Due to the need of the installer, you have to do this before running the installer! Make sure that you copy all of the files from all of the subdirectories. As of 0.9.8-prerelease.11, the only way to install or upgrade the game is via the included installer. To access the installer, log out of the game and then access installer.php (for instance, if your game was installed at http://logd.dragoncat.net, you would access the installer at http://logd.dragoncat.net/installer.php) From here, it should be a simple matter of walking through the steps! Choose upgrade as the type of install (it defaults to *new* install, so watch out for this!!) and choose the version you currently have installed and it will perform an upgrade. Once this is done, read the note for upgrading from 0.9.7 if you are, and then go read the POST INSTALLATION section below. *** NOTE FOR THOSE UPGRADING FROM 0.9.7 *** In 0.9.8 and above, the 'specials' directory has been removed and that functionality is now handled by modules. If you have specials which are not yet converted to modules, they will be unavailable until you convert them. Move your specials directory to another directory name (for instance specials.save) and work on converting them. Most specials should convert easily and you can look at existing examples. If you haven't created (or modified) specials on your server, just remove this directory. ---------------------------------------------- -- INSTALLATION: ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- These instructions cover a new LoGD installation. You will need access to a MySQL database and a PHP hosting location to run this game. Your SQL user needs the LOCK TABLES privelege in order to run the game correct. Extract the files into the directory where you will want the code to live. BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE, read and understand the license that this game is released under. You are legally bound by the license if you install this game on a publically accessible web server! MySQL Setup: Setup should be pretty straightforward, create the database, create an account to access the database on behalf of the site; this account should have full permissions on the database. After you have the database created, point your browser at the location you have the logd files installed at and load up installer.php (for instance, if the files are accessible as http://logd.dragoncat.net, you will want to load http://logd.dragoncat.net/installer.php in the browser). The installer will walk you through a complete setup from the ground up. Make sure to follow all instructions! Once you have completed the installation, read the POST INSTALLATION section below. ---------------------------------------------- -- POST INSTALLATION: ------------------------ ---------------------------------------------- Now that you have the game installed, you need to take a couple of sensible precautions. Firstly, make SURE that your dbconnect.php is not writeable. Under unix, you do this by typing chmod -w dbconnect.php This is to keep you from making unintentional changes to this file. The installer will have installed, but not activated, some common modules which we feel make for a good baseline of the game. You should log into the game (using the admin account created during installation if this is a new install, or your regular admin account if this is an update) and go into the manage modules section of the Superuser Grotto. Go through the installed and uninstalled modules and make sure that the modules you want are installed. Do NOT activate them yet. *** NOTE *** If this is a first-time install, you will see some messages about races and specials not being installed during your character setup. This is fine and correct since you have not yet configured these items. Now, go to the game settings page, and configure the game settings for the base game and for the modules. For an update, this should be just a matter of looking at the non-active (grey-ed out) modules. For an initial install, this is a LOT of configuration, but taking your time here will make your game MUCH better. If you are upgrading from 0.9.7, look at your old game settings and make the new ones similar. A *lot* of settings have moved from the old configuration screen and are now controlled by modules, so you will want to write down your old configuration values BEFORE you start the upgrade. Once you have things configured to your liking, you should go back to the manage modules page and ACTIVATE any modules that you want to have running. Good luck and enjoy your new LotGD server!
This is my attepmt to refactor the game legends of the green dragon. Playlist of refactoring in German https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLz858EFEcxiGE0Vn9hdBFkOOkMe08dLzd