
Mobile CSS Framework

Primary LanguageCSS


Yo 是一款基于 Mobile First 理念而设计的 CSS Framework,当然,你使用在PC高级浏览器中也完全没有问题;其具备轻量,易用,快速且高度强大的自定义能力。

Quick start

  • NodeJs: 去NodeJs官网下载安装包并安装到本地
  • 克隆:git clone git@github.com:doyoe/Yo.git
  • 装gulp:npm install gulp -g --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org
  • 安装依赖模块,npm install --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org
  • 编译命令:gulp


Browser support

  • iOS6.0+
  • Android4.0+
  • Latest Stable: Chrome, Safari, Opera, IE10+

Bugs and feature requests

如果你或者你所在的公司正在使用 Yo,过程中发现了任何问题,或者有任何帮助 Yo 更完善的想法和建议,都可以直接给我提IssuesPull Requests





  • 所有涉及到 border 的长度单位都是用 px
  • border 外,所有的长度设置都是用 rem 单位;


Developing: v1.8.5

  • update: yo-group, yo-dblist
    • 调整内部实现
  • update:
    • 拆分 classes 构造方法到各独立模块
  • update: core classes
    • 更新弹性盒相关方法,支持 Firefox and IE
    • 新增 align-content()方法,用于支持多行弹性容器侧轴对齐方式
  • update: yo-datepicker
    • 恢复该组件内部的flex布局

Lastest: v1.8.4

  • update: yo-rating
    • 增加 readonly 状态用于只读
  • update: yo-list
    • 增加 yo-slidermenuyo-list 内部使用时,有按下反馈
  • update: yo-datepicker
    • 移除该组件内部的flex布局
  • add: kami
    • 增加 kami 入口文件目录


For more information on History Version, Please visit changelog.

Version Number Description

For transparency and insight into our release cycle, and for striving to maintain backward compatibility, Yo will be maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines as much as possible.

Releases will be numbered with the following format:


And constructed with the following guidelines:

  • Breaking backward compatibility bumps the major (and resets the minor and patch)
  • New additions without breaking backward compatibility bumps the minor (and resets the patch)
  • Bug fixes and misc changes bumps the patch

For more information on SemVer, please visit semver.org.


My name is Du Yao, working in Beijing Qunar.com now, is active in Github and Weibo. Thus, you can find some information about me on my Website. Of course, you can visit my blog and use my tool sites, including CSS-handbook and Web front-end laboratories.

Copyright and License

Code and documentation copyright 2014-2015 doyoe.com. Code released under the MIT license. Docs released under Creative Commons.