
Abyss ORPG from Warcraft 3 in DotA 2

Primary LanguageLua


Abyss ORPG from Warcraft 3 in DotA 2

This is my little side project from tcw (check my repos). Tcw definitely isnt dead.

This repo has two purposes

  1. To gauge the interest of dota 2 gamers in RPGs. I can blow this out in 1/20th the time than I can tcw.
  2. To get tenkz involved in modding

two birds with one stone.

btw content won't follow abyss to the bullet but the gameplay will follow a similar style

Map size constraints - wc3 http://i.imgur.com/S21dcYi.jpg
map size constraints - dota 2 http://i.imgur.com/g7OtLb3.jpg

As you can see, I'll have to trim down the map alot, like how the town got its size shrinked (sry but theres no point in any of the town besides the revive spot), nearby forest got trimmed, and past that I won't be using alot of the wc3 style because they dont translate well to DotA so we'll be doing what DotA does best