- 5
Questions regarding planned update
#146 opened by ElephantTrail - 1
MySQL version
#145 opened by ElephantTrail - 1
Ariadne 10 stable
#143 opened by ElephantTrail - 1
- 1
- 2
[9.0rc1] administrator login name in wizard
#2 opened by sndrr - 1
Helene IDE path in title
#51 opened by hendriksenremco - 2
- 2
Install php <5.6
#127 opened by jondor - 1
Missing translations?
#130 opened by jondor - 2
Cannot use string offset as an array issues
#131 opened by jondor - 2
php7 syntax check issues errors
#92 opened by mjrider - 1
ar('loader')->stdout is opening stdin instead
#123 opened by mjrider - 3
#71 opened by GaneshKandu - 2
SASS support?
#50 opened by hendriksenremco - 3
__clone method
#129 opened by jondor - 2
A 9.7 new install issues
#122 opened by jondor - 0
ar::url->query cannot access arrays as it used to
#108 opened by IshyKitty - 3
- 1
htmlcleaner removes dashes from tagname
#99 opened by jondor - 1
FTP loader issue
#81 opened by jondor - 4
import/export issues
#68 opened by jondor - 1
deprecated function split in use in demo site
#47 opened by mjrider - 0
- 1
- 1
ftp loader doesn't include default.phtml
#61 opened by jondor - 1
svn commit breaks on quotes(')
#59 opened by poef - 2
Vedor Editor: Image insertion creates bad HTML
#35 opened by poef - 1
the public user loses his password when rehashing
#44 opened by mjrider - 1
preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
#48 opened by mjrider - 1
Vedor Editor: selected style is incorrect
#37 opened by poef - 2
Vedor Editor: after navigation in the editor, the toolbar doesn't disappear when typing
#39 opened by poef - 1
- 1
Vedor Editor: source code validation is too strict
#34 opened by poef - 0
- 2
Mad cats missing black cats..
#11 opened by jondor - 0
- 4
svn installation issue
#4 opened by jondor - 4
Installation issues
#24 opened by jondor - 1
Site login blocked after an expired session
#20 opened by Whoeaaah - 1
- 2
code.php generates a fatal when creating a new object through a command line script
#15 opened by Whoeaaah - 1
deadcode in ar::getvar
#13 opened by mjrider - 0
hideSessionIDfromURL blocks site login's
#12 opened by Whoeaaah - 1
Feature - indicate internal errors in debugger
#8 opened by poef - 0
feature: debugger watches
#6 opened by ylebre - 0
Feature - Debugger - highlight output per template in output tab as well as in the source tab
#9 opened by poef - 1
loadLibrary escapes its bounds
#7 opened by poef - 0
madcat scaffold misses paginate filter library
#3 opened by poef - 0