Enhance your Minecraft experience with NoDurability! This lightweight Spigot plugin that gives players the power to manage the durability of their items effortlessly. With a seamless command, users can reset the durability of all items in their inventory to the maximum, ensuring that their tools and weapons are always in top-notch condition.
- Durability Reset: Execute /removedurability to instantly set the durability of all items in your inventory to their maximum.
- Configuration Options: Tailor the plugin to your server's needs by configuring a list of materials that are excluded from durability changes.
- Exclude permission: Exclude specific items for specific ranks and players.
- Prevent items combusting: You can toggle item combusting in the config.
- PAPI support: Display the durablility of the item held with the durability placeholder.
- removedurability
- removedurability
- removedurability.*
- removedurability:rm
- nodurability.exclude.