
Simple implementation of ToDo List using Flask and MongoDB along with Dockerfile and Kubernetes yaml files #Flask #Example #Docker #Kubernetes #k8s

Primary LanguageJavaScript


To-Do-List is mini-project made with Flask and MongoDB. Dockerfile is also available to make docker image and docker containers.

Built using :

	Flask : Python Based mini-Webframework
	MongoDB : Database Server
	Pymongo : Database Connector ( For creating connectiong between MongoDB and Flask )
	HTML5 (jinja2) : For Form and Table

Set up environment for using this repo:

Install Python ( If you don't have already )
	$ sudo apt-get install python

Install MongoDB ( Make sure you install it properly )
	$ sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org

Install Dependencies of the application (Flask, Bson and PyMongo)
	$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the application

Run MongoDB
1) Start MongoDB
	$ sudo service mongod start
2) Stop MongoDB
	$ sudo service mongod stop

Run the Flask file(app.py)
	$ python app.py

Go to http://localhost:5000 with any of browsers and DONE !!
	$ open http://localhost:5000

To exit press Ctrl+C

Make sure that you are inside the project directory, where docker-compose.yaml file is present. Now, building and running the application server container and mongodb container using docker-compose :

Building or fetching the necessary images and later, creating and starting containers for the application
    $ docker-compose up

Go to http://localhost:5000 with any of browsers and DONE !!
    $ open http://localhost:5000

Running, Debugging and Stopping the application under the hood

For almost all of the `docker-compose` commands, make sure that you are inside the project directory, where `docker-compose.yaml` file is present.

Passing `-d` flag along with docker-compose, runs the application as daemon
    $ docker-compose up -d

Seeing all of the logs from the application deployed.
    $ docker-compose logs

Stopping the application
    $ docker-compose down

Screenshot :

Screenshot of the Output

Thanks to Twitter for emoji support with Twemoji.

Made with ❤️ from Nepal 🇳🇵