Team AKH+D: Ariella Katz, Kaitlin Ho, Hugo Jenkins


Project Description:

  • RPG in which you encounter different personas and choose how you want to
    develop your relationship with them. There are different stages of relationships
    which you can unlock through different actions and reactions. Maybe you'll make
    some friends along the way. Good luck!
  • The stages of relationships will be stored in a stack, ensuring that you
    cannot proceed to the next stage without completing the current one. A friend
    will be able to provide advice by "probing" all of the possible paths the user
    might take and advising accordingly (but beware, friends can be stupid and probe
    "incorrectly"). The player will progress through multiple each scenes for each
    stage of the relationship. Each scene is comprised of "trees" of possible
    decisions the player might make, each decision corresponding to a predetermined
    change in the character's attraction to the player.
  • Launch instructions:
  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Launch a terminal session and go to the directory containing Woo.java
  3. Run these commands:
    $ javac Woo.java
    $ java Woo
  • Nota bene unus: Images are only available at the root level because they take up
    too much space.
  • Nota bene duo: Any commits attributed to "H. Jeffrey Katz" are from Ariella on her
    dad's computer.