
Collected and solved Google Foo Bar Challenges

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Foobar Challenge Solutions

Welcome to the Foobar Challenge Solutions repository! This project contains my solutions to various challenges from Google's Foobar coding challenges. Feel free to explore the questions and solutions to enhance your problem-solving skills.

Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 23 45 32

Repository Structure


Level 1 questions

Level 2 questions

Level 3 questions

Level 4 questions


  • main.py: Entry point to run the project.
  • Each # at the start represent the real question I got, you also can also find there my own solution which I wrote during my actual challenge


To use this repository, navigate to the challenge package you are interested in. Each challenge package contains a markdown file with the question description (readme.md) and a Python file with my solution (solution.py).

cd braille_translation_1
# Read the question description
cat readme.md
# View the solution
cat solution.py