Project Title

Spaceflight Details

Project Description

  • Displaying all spaceflight details which is comes from third party API.
  • User can search data by rocket name.
  • Also filter by launch status(Failure, Success), upcoming status.
  • Implemented pagination which shows per page 9 items. also implemented If the user reloads the page then show the list according to the page number.
  • A Date filter is also implemented but its not working now because of unclear information about it.

How to run this Project

First clone the git repository using this command

git clone

Then install npm or yarn to include node modules in this project

npm install
# or
yarn install

After installing node modules, create a .env file named as .env.local file and paste whatever is inside the .env.example file. Without doing this API will not work and that project will not work also.


After setup .env.local file, to run this project locally you have to run this command

npm start
# or
yarn start

Technologies Used

  • React JS(Functional component)
  • Context API
  • Typescript
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Scss