Stock Market Trading Game Database Structure
Database Structure
User Profile - Via Login, Twitter, Gmail, Facebook, LinkedIn
Name Email Gender Basic Social Graph Info (Depends on login method above) Address Country City
User Account - This stores all the critical user data
User Stars Points Logic = (User Trade Success /10 ) - (User Risk Avg. /10) + User Activity
User Trade Success - % Percentage of all profit trades = (Profit Trades / Total Trades) X 100
User Risk Average - % (Average of all Trade Risks)
User Activity = ((Total Trades) / (Last Trade + Last Login)) / Total Trades
Total Trades (No. all trades)
Last Trade (Hours ago)
Last Login (Hours ago)
User Level Bronze = 1-3 star points Silver = 3-6 star points Gold = 6-9+ stars points
User Rank (Points position comparing all users) User Bank (Virtual Money Amount $) User Pips (Number of Pips the market has moved while the user has been active on a trade) User Status Online Offline
User Trades - This stores the data for individual user trades
Symbol (AAPL) Company Name (Apple Computer Inc) Start Trade Price (!!! Not Current Price) Start Trade Date End Trade Price End Trade Date Trade Risk ((Trade Cost / User Bank) X 100) Trade Profit Trade Loss Trade Pips Trade Contracts Trade Cost $ ( (Trade Contracts X Start Trade Price) + Trade Commission ) Trade Commission ($10 per Trade) Trade Direction Buy (Long) Sell (Short) User Views - Filters the markets shown on the main screen. Trade - Currently active trades Watch - Markets marked as Watched Market Type - Market type identifiyer Stocks (St) - All standard stocks Forex (Fx) - All Forex markets Indicies - (Id) All indicies
Global Market Data - This is contained in the data feed. We will store history of last year (may increase depending on system performance)
Symbol (AAPL) Company Name (Apple Computer Inc) Current Price Open Price Close Price Volume Market Status Open (Data flowing during business hours) Closed (No data flowing due to error or out of business hours)