
A test case for python and matlab evaluation codes, for person re-identification

Primary LanguagePython

I create this simple project to check if different versions of evaluation codes generate identical results, for person re-identification. So it's just a test case for evaluation codes.

Here I compare the results by Tong Xiao and Zhun Zhong.



It contains an example case for computing CMC and mAP scores, where 100 query images and 5332 gallery images are involved. Their identities, cameras and query-gallery distance matrix are provided.


  • ranking.py, copied from open-reid, link
  • main.py, computing CMC and mAP


  • evaluation.m, copied from person-re-ranking, link
  • compute_AP.m, copied from person-re-ranking, link. This is also the same as provided by Market1501, link.
  • main.m, computing CMC and mAP


To run the python version, numpy and scikit-learn is required.

cd python_version
python main.py

To run the matlab version, change working directory to matlab_version in Matlab and run main.m.

You can compare results of two versions.


The CMC scores by two versions are identical.

As for mAP, the python version is implemented using sklearn.metrics.average_precision_score. This function has changed its behavior since version 0.19. My installed version (0.18.1) generates mAP identical to the matlab version, i.e. 64.03%, while version 0.19.1 generates 66.52%. Since the Market1501 paper introduces mAP into person re-identification, I stick to the matlab version of mAP.

You can check your installed version of scikit-learn by pip freeze | grep scikit-learn. To install scikit-learn with version 0.18.1, try this:

pip uninstall scikit-learn
pip install scikit-learn==0.18.1