
Chapter 1: Building a Blog Application 1

  • Installing Python

  • Creating a Python virtual environment

    cd blogantonio4
    pipenv install
    pipenv shell
  • Installing Django

    • Installing Django with pipenv
      pipenv install Django~=4.1.0
    • New features in Django
  • Django overview

  • Main framework components

  • The Django architecture

  • Creating your first project

    django-admin startproject mysite
    • Applying initial database migrations
      cd mysite
      python migrate
    • Running the development server
      python runserver
      //custom setting
      python runserver --settings=mysite.settings
    • Project settings
    • Projects and applications
    • Creating an application

Creating the blog data models 12 Creating the Post model • 13 Adding datetime fields • 14 Defining a default sort order • 15 Adding a database index • 16 Activating the application • 17 Adding a status field • 17 Adding a many-to-one relationship • 19 Creating and applying migrations • 21 Creating an administration site for models 23 Creating a superuser • 24 The Django administration site • 24 Adding models to the administration site • 25 Customizing how models are displayed • 27 Working with QuerySets and managers 29 Creating objects • 30 Updating objects • 31 Retrieving objects • 31 Using the filter() method • 31 Using exclude() • 32 Using order_by() • 32 Deleting objects • 32 When QuerySets are evaluated • 32 Creating model managers • 33 Building list and detail views 34 Creating list and detail views • 34 Using the get_object_or_404 shortcut • 35 Adding URL patterns for your views • 36 Creating templates for your views 37 Creating a base template • 38 Creating the post list template • 39 Accessing our application • 40 Creating the post detail template • 41 The request/response cycle 42 Additional resources 43 Summary 44