This repository contains the documentation for MonoGame.

Building Form Source

The MonoGame website is built using the .NET tool DocFX to generate the base MonoGame documentation and the API reference documentation. This means you will need the following prerequisites to build locally from source

  1. .NET SDK version 6.0 or higher installed (download) (recommended 8.0+)

With your environment setup properly, the following explains how to build from source

  1. Clone this repository

    git clone
  2. Install DotNet dependencies

    dotnet tool restore
  3. Optional Steps

    If you want to generate the API Reference documentation locally, you will need to ensure that the MonoGame submodule has been initialized by running

    git submodule update --init --recursive

  4. Run a local build and serve it. The site is full DocFX now so a single build command will do:

dotnet docfx docfx.json --serve


Docfx hosting does not support hot reload, so to refresh the hosted site you will need to stop the agent (ctrl-c) and run the above command again to refresh pages

Document styling

The use of DocFX with the updated MonoGame docs site has afforded the use of some custom stylings to improve consistency and more stylized docs:

  • Document Frontmatter now drives the Title, Description and whether or not a MS license statement is needed in the document.

    title: How to create a Render Target
    description: Demonstrates how to create a render target using a RenderTarget2D.
    requireMSLicense: true
  • DocFX admonitions are supported for adding Notes, Info Panels etc, for more details see the MS docs on DocFX markdown:

    DocFX Markdown style guide

As an example of a document written using the above notes, please refer to the HowTo: Create a Render Target tutorial


No additional text is needed at the bottom of document pages as the licenses and requirements are automatically added by the DocFX build system


The MonoGame project is under the Microsoft Public License except for a few portions of the code. See the LICENSE file for more details.