Adaptive Consistency Regularization for Semi-Supervised Transfer Learning Replication

This project includes the following folders:

  1. code: Contains all the code.(forked and modified from here)
  2. Compiled Results: Contains the test accuracies for the model trained on CIFAR and SVHN dataset.
  3. logs: Contains all the logs generated during the training.
  4. plots: Contains the plots for the datapoints gathered in compiled results.

Running the Code

To run the code, follow these steps:


  1. You can download the CIFAR-10 dataset from here
  2. You can download the SVHN dataset from these links: train test
  3. CUB-200-2011 dataset can be downloaded from here. You can preprocess the data using the provided in the code folder.
  4. After downloading the data place the downloaded files in a data directory of your choice.

Downloading the pretrained model

Pretrain the ResNet-50 model on Imagenet or download the Imagenet pretrained models from pytorch.models in your checkpoint folder, e.g. ./ckpt/. Then rename the pretrained checkpoint as resnet_50_1.pth. This can be used for CUB-200-2011 datset.(Note: Training on this dataset requires around 27Gb of GPU memory.)

Training the model

To train the model, run given in code folder. Example of CIFAR-10 using AKC and ARC as both 0.5.(lambda_kd represents AKC weight and lambda_mmd represents the ARC weight)

$data_root is the path to your downloaded data.

$dataset is the dataset you want to use.(cifar10 or svhn)

$num_labels is the number of labelled data you want for training

$pretrain_path is the path of the directory where pretrained models are downloaded.

python -u --data_root $data_root --dataset $dataset --num_labels $num_labels --pretrained_weight_path $pretrain_path --model wideresnetleaky --depth 28 --widen_factor 2 --l_batch_size 64 --ul_batch_size 448 --lambda_mmd 0.5 --lambda_kd 0.5 --lr 0.0001 --weight_decay 0.0005 --epochs 10  --coef 1.0 --alg pl --strong_aug true --threshold 0.95 --ema_teacher true  --ema_teacher_factor 0.999 --bn_momentum 0.1  --interleave 0  --seed 10 


  1. Semi-SuperVised Transfer Learning