
Learning Free RTOS using STM32F446RE

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Mastering Free RTOS using STM32F446RE


  • Familiarity with STM32 IDEs
  • Open minded to read and do installations on your own

I. Gathering Files and Softwares

II. Create a New project in Workbench

  1.  Create a WorkSpace and select the workspace as the stm32 workbench loads.
  2.  Create a New project as per the following image

    New Project

  3.  Select following
     - Project type 		: Empty Project
     - Toolchains 		: Ac6 STM32 MCU GCC
     - Next - > Next ->
     - Board : select correct board which you are using. I use STM32F446RE
     - Next ->
     - No Firmware (If you know to include Std Periph from that option, Great! I couldnt get it working)
     - Finish

    New PRjt2

  4.  Delete these from the Project folder (i) inc	(ii) src (iii) startup
     Copy (i) inc	(ii) src (iii) startup (iv) CMSIS (v) StdPeriph_Driver to the Project folder from StdPeriph_files folder
  5.  Right click on each folder in the project -> select `properties` -> 
     under `C/C++ Build` -> Uncheck `Exclude resource from build` if checked.
  6.  Right click on project -> select `properties` -> under `C/C++ Build` -> `Settings` ->
     `MCU GCC Compiler` -> `Includes`		(See following image) 
     add inc,config,CMSIS/core,CMSIS/device/,StdPeriph_Driver/inc  by selecting workspace and navigating it by yourself.


  7. Creating empty RTOS project with necessary files : Create folders as per following Tree

    │   ├───core
    │   └───device
    ├───Config (create this folder)
    │   ├───inc
    │   └───src
    └───Third_party (create this folder)
        └───FreeRTOS (create this folder)
            └───org (create this folder)
                ├───License (Copy from FreeRTOS)
                └───Source (Copy from FreeRTOS)
                        ├───GCC		(Keep just these)
                        │   └───ARM_CM4F (Keep only what is needed)
                        └───MemMang (Keep just these)

III. Build

Common Build Errors

  • File not found:
    1.  See if includes are proper, whether any folders are exculded from build.
    2.  check if your environmental variable PATH is having Arm gcc compiler path
       *How to?* : open cmd; type "arm-none-eabi-gcc" ; It should say no imput file; 
       Not 'command not found'  
    3.  Check if any files show error when you open in editor, if so resolve.
    4.  One Interesting error i faced: #include <stdio.h> not recognised 
       Solution: Either reinstall the compiler OR
       What I did: cmd type:"where arm-none-eabi-gcc"; 
       Go to location-> one folder backwards -> look for arm-none-eabi/include -> see if 
       stdio.h is there. (It should be else reinstall.) Add this path to the environment 
       variable PATH; (Sometimes only this works) Alternatively edit:
       Project properties-> C/C++ Build -> Environment -> PATH ;
       Analyse and correct this path. Please have a backup of the PATH before editing.
