
Android library to implement cards stack view with swipe to remove feature

Primary LanguageJava

SwipeCardsView Android Arsenal Download



repositories {

dependencies {
    compile 'in.arjsna:swipecardlib:1.0.2'


Add SwipeCardView to the layout xml file where it is needed

    tools:context=".CardSwipeActivity" />

The various customisation attribures available are

max_visible - maximum card to be show in stack as visible

min_adapter_stack - minimum card count left at which callback about adapter to empties will be called

left_swipe_detect - whether swipe to lelf should be enabled or not. true by default

right_swipe_detect - whether swipe to right should be enabled or not. true by default

top_swipe_detect - whether swipe to top should be enabled or not. true by default

bottom_swipe_detect - whether swipe to bottom should be enabled or not. true by default

Create an ArrayAdapter with card list

CardsAdapter arrayAdapter = new CardsAdapter(this, al );

Set the adapter and fling listener to SwipeCardView

SwipeCardView swipeCardView = (SwipeCardView) findViewById(R.id.swipe_card_view);
swipeCardView.setFlingListener(new SwipeCardView.OnCardFlingListener() {
            public void onCardExitLeft(Object dataObject) {
              Log.i(TAG, "Left Exit");                

            public void onCardExitRight(Object dataObject) {
              Log.i(TAG, "Right Exit");

            public void onAdapterAboutToEmpty(int itemsInAdapter) {
              Log.i(TAG, "Adater to be empty");
              //add more items to adapter and call notifydatasetchanged

            public void onScroll(float scrollProgressPercent) {
              Log.i(TAG, "Scroll");

            public void onCardExitTop(Object dataObject) {
              Log.i(TAG, "Top Exit");

            public void onCardExitBottom(Object dataObject) {
              Log.i(TAG, "Bottom Exit");

The cards can be removed by code with fling animation

swipeCardView.throwRight(); //throw card to right
swipeCardView.throwLeft(); //throw card to left
swipeCardView.throwTop(); //throw card to top
swipeCardView.throwBottom(); //throw card to bottom


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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.