
Super dumb/hacky benchmarking tools for connext

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Super dumb/hacky benchmarking tools for connext


Clone https://github.com/connextproject/indra and make start

Then clone this repo, npm install

Also install 0x globally: npm install -g 0x

Copy your latest connext client into ./dist/

Then run npm run prep.


Latency.js runs transfers and prints the latency for each into console.

npm run latency

Flamegraph.js runs a transfer using 0x and outputs a flamegraph.

NOTE: this is currently broken - my bad, just add latency(1) at the bottom of the latency.js file and it should work.

npm run flamegraph

In both cases, the node process needs to be manually exited with ctrl+c lol