
Tuml is AirBnB for Parking

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Tuml MVP

To test, you'll have to set up git on your computer.

Git installation instructions


Specific to windows:

If you open command prompt and type in git status and you get a command not found error, you will have to add git to your PATH environment variable.

To do this, open up system in the start menu. Go to advanced system properties. Click environment variables. Under user variables click Path and then click edit.

Click new in the dialogue box that opens up and then add the location of your git installation. For instance: C:\Program Files\Git\cmd

Close command prompt, reopen and try git status again. If it doesn't work, restart your computer.

Node installation instructions


You might have to add the node path to your system as well.

Cloning the repo to your computer

Navigate to a folder in your command prompt that you want to copy the Tuml repo to:

In command prompt, type:

mkdir repositories


cd repositories

(this creates and gets you into repositories folder)

Then type git clone https://github.com/ArjunBhuptani/TumlMVP.git

Testing the repo

npm install
npm run start```

Open a browser and navigate to localhost:3000

Thats it!