Project Overview

This project utilizes React, React Router DOM, Axios and TypeScript to create a dynamic web application focused on task management.

Click here for live preview - Task-Board


  1. Task Board layout, Drag-and-Drop functionality and Task cards.
  2. Task metrics visualization.
  3. Search functionality, which will search by task name from any group (Ready/In progress/Testing/Done).
  4. Filters by assignee, filter by severity of the task.
  5. Unique colors / badges to each task based on severity (High/Medium/Low).
  6. Light and dark mode functionality.

Design Decisions

  1. Technology Stack: Leveraged React's ecosystem for its component-based architecture, React Router DOM for navigation, Axios to fetch data and TypeScript for type safety.
  2. State Management: Utilized React's state and context API for managing global state concerning tasks and user interactions.
  3. Styling: Incorporated plain CSS for styling.
  4. Data Visualization: Utilized Chart.js to visually represent task metrics through bar charts.

Challenges Faced

  1. Data Mapping to Charts: Formatting data to fit Chart.js requirements was challenging.

Potential Improvements

  1. CRUD Functionality: Implement full CRUD operations for tasks, enabling users to create, read, update, and delete tasks.
  2. Additional Pages: Introduce separate pages such as archives, trash, or a detailed task view.
  3. Enhanced Modal: Develop a dedicated modal for entering task details, enhancing user experience.
  4. Authentication & User Accounts: Incorporate user authentication for managing user-specific tasks and settings securely.
  5. Data Persistence: Introduce backend (like a database or server) for persistent storage of tasks and user data.
  6. Enhanced Data Visualization: Explore advanced visualization techniques or additional chart types for better insights into task metrics.

Running the React App with Vite


  • Node.js: Ensure Node.js is installed. Download it from
  • Git: Install Git if not already available. Download from

Clone the Repository

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt.
  2. Clone the repository using Git:
    git clone <repository-url>
  3. cd your-project-folder
  4. npm install
  5. npm run dev