Mobile Android Automation using Appium

Appium Mac OSX Setup For Android


  1. Brew:
  1. JAVA JDK -
  2. Android SDK - [Note: Appium supports Android API >=17]
    • Open Terminal and Navigate to Home Directory.
    • Execute command touch .bash_profile
    • Execute command open -e .bash_profile and set the path a shown in image below( Change the path to the android sdk downloaded) screenshots
    • Save the file and Execute "set" in your terminal and restart your terminal for the changes to reflect.
  4. Node.js and Appium:
  • brew install node # get node.js
  • npm install -g appium # get appium
  • npm install wd # get appium client
  • appium-doctor # check if everything is correctly set
  1. (for Appium Inspector) -
  2. Any IDE: IntelliJ IDEA -

Appium Windows Setup For Android


  1. JAVA JDK -
  • Set environment variable JAVA_HOME under 'System variables': screenshots
  1. Android SDK - [Note: Appium supports Android API >=17]
  • Set environment variable ANDROID_HOME under 'System variables': screenshots
  1. Node.js - Then run following commands on cmd:

    • npm install -g appium # get appium
    • npm install wd # get appium client
    • appium-doctor # check if everything is correctly set
  2. Appium.exe (zip file) (for Appium Inspector) -

  3. Apache Maven (zip file) - - Set environment variable M2_HOME under 'System variables': screenshots

  4. Any IDE: IntelliJ IDEA -

  5. Add all the environment variables set(in steps 1,2 and 5) along with platform-tools and npm(node package manager)path to the PATH variable: screenshots

So, your PATH variable would look something like: C:\Windows\System32;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%ANDROID_HOME%\bin;%M2_HOME%\bin;C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools;C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin;

Executing a Basic Script

Create a Sample Project:

  1. Launch Eclipse. Click on File -> New -> Other -> Maven project.
  2. Select workspace and then click on Next.
  3. Select 'Catalog -> Internal' and 'maven-archetype-quickstart'.
  4. Provide Group and Artifact ID.
  5. Click 'Finish'.
  6. Add Appium Java Client Dependency: You can add appium java client dependency (which is a java language binding for writing Appium tests) in pom.xml as - screenshots

Desired Capabilities:

  1. DEVICE_NAME: The kind of mobile device or emulator to use (Android Emulator, iPhone Simulator, Nexus 5 etc.)
  2. APP: The absolute local path or remote http URL to a .apk file. This capability is not required for Android if you specify appPackage and appActivity capabilities.
  3. APP_PACKAGE(Android): Java package of the Android app you want to run(say-
  4. APP_ACTIVITY(Android): Activity name for the Android activity you want to launch from your package(MainActivity, .Settings etc.)
  5. UDID(iOS): Unique device identifier of the connected physical device

All other Appium capabilties details can be found here -

Launch Appium and Run Scripts:

  1. Launch Appium Server: appium &
  2. Run scripts
  3. To View any element id : Launch Appium Inspector

Wearble Automation with Appium

  1. Download the Android Wear App from Google PlayStore and install it on the Android Phone.
  2. Sync the Android Wearbable device/emulator with Android Phone.
  3. Check if android phone and android wearable are detected
    • Navigate to terminal and type "adb devices" -- Should display both phone and wearbale
  4. Port forward 5601 from mac to android device to allow wearable device to connect with the andriod device.
    • abd -s forward tcp:5601 tcp:5601
  5. Run appium server one for android device(port 4724) and one for the wearable device(port 4723)
    • appium -p 4723 --udid &
    • appium -p 4724 --udid &
  6. Run the Sameple Test(AppiumWearableTest)


How to get the UIAutomation Javascript API from Instruments

  1. brew install ios-sim
  2. ios-sim launch --devicetypeid

Deploying an iOS app to a real device

To prepare for your Appium tests to run on a real device, you will need to:

  1. Build your app with specific device-targeted parameters
  2. Use fruitstrap, a 3rd-party tool, to deploy this build to your device

Xcodebuild with parameters:

A newer xcodebuild now allows settings to be specified. Taken from

xcodebuild [-project projectname] [-target targetname ...]
             [-configuration configurationname] [-sdk [sdkfullpath | sdkname]]
             [buildaction ...] [setting=value ...] [-userdefault=value ...]

This is a resource to explore the available settings

CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY (Code Signing Identity)
    Description: Identifier. Specifies the name of a code signing identity.
    Example value: iPhone Developer

PROVISIONING_PROFILE is missing from the index of available commands, but may be necessary.

Specify "CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY" & "PROVISIONING_PROFILE" settings in the xcodebuild command:

xcodebuild -sdk <iphoneos> -target <target_name> -configuration <Debug> CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="iPhone Developer: Mister Smith" PROVISIONING_PROFILE="XXXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXX"

On success, the app will be built to your <app_dir>/build/<configuration>-iphoneos/<app_name>.app

Deploy using Fruitstrap

Go clone a forked version of fruitstrap as the ghughes version is no longer maintained. Success has been confirmed with the unprompted fork, but others are reportedly functional.

Once cloned, run make fruitstrap Now, copy the resulting fruitstrap executable to your app's project or a parent directory.

Execute fruitstrap after a clean build by running (commands available depend on your fork of fruitstrap):

./fruitstrap -d -b <PATH_TO_APP> -i <Device_UDID>

If you are aiming to use continuous integration in this setup, you may find it useful to want to log the output of fruitstrap to both command line and log, like so:

./fruitstrap -d -b <PATH_TO_APP> -i <Device_UDID> 2>&1 | tee fruit.out

Since fruitstrap will need to be killed before the node server can be launched, an option is to scan the output of the fruitstrap launch for some telling sign that the app has completed launching. This may prove useful if you are doing this via a Rakefile and a script:

bundle exec rake ci:fruit_deploy_app | while read line ; do
   echo "$line" | grep "text to identify successful launch"
   if [ $? = 0 ]
   # Actions
       echo "App finished launching: $line"
       sleep 5
       kill -9 `ps -aef | grep fruitstrap | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`

Once fruitstrap is killed, node server can be launched and Appium tests can run!

Element Identification for Android

elements locators examples
type className driver.findElementsByClassName("")
text,label AccessibilityId driver.findElementByAccessibilityId("").click();
resource-id Id driver.findElementsById("")

Element Identification for IOS

elements locators examples
type className driver.findElementsByClassName("")
name,label AccessibilityId driver.findElementByAccessibilityId("").click();
value Id driver.findElementsById("")