
  • Multi-user Chat System. The code is in C.


  • The system consists of server.c and client.c. IPC sockets were used.
  • Server treats every client differently creates a thread for each client so one or more clients can request the server at the same time.
  • Server is constantly listening for new connections via the accept() system call. If a client requests to send a message the server uses the recv() system call to get the message and then uses send() system call to send it to the required client.
  • Server keeps tracks of all the threads of the clients and once the server is terminated all the threads are wiped out one by one.
  • Client has two different threads one for receiving and one for sending. The receiving thread is running an infinite while loop which uses recv() system call connected to the server socket. The other thread takes input from the client to send it to other clients via the server.


  • To compile it type the make command on the terminal. The executables server and client are created and have to be run individually.

  • Server has to be executed before the clients.

      Commands :
      $ make
      $ ./server


  • If a User wants to send a message, has to first type the client socket to send to and then the message in the following line.

  • Example :

        Available clients : |4 |5
        Enter the client to send: 5 
        Enter the message: hi
        Available clients : |4 |5
        Enter the client to send: EVERYONE
        Enter the message: hi
        ‘exit' command exits the client terminal
        (EVERYONE command sends message to all users connected to that server)


  • If a clients sends you a message it flashes on the terminal as :

      Connected to Server
      NEW MESSAGE : 5 says hi


  • If a user enters a invalid socket number or a string its throws an error.
  • Ctrl C doesn’t terminate instantly but clears all the pending threads.


  • http://beej.us/guide/bgipc/pdf/bgipc_USLetter.pdf