
Hybrid parallel (OpenMP + MPI) sort for system with distributed memory

Primary LanguageC++


Hybrid parallel sort for system with distributed memory: it uses OpenMP for local sort (heap sort + merge sort) on each node and than MPI for Batcher merge sort between nodes. Used data structure is point: it has (x,y) coordinates (float) and index (int). It is considered that array t osort is a 1D-array and it represents the vertices of n1 x n2 grid (indices are calculated accordingly to position in grid). Sorting in ditributed system is understood as following:

  1. Elements on all nodes are sorted along the chosen axis (x or y)
  2. First element on each node is not smaller along the chosen axis than all elements on nodes with smaller node-ids
  3. Last element on each node is not larger along the chosen axis than all elements on nodes with greater node-ids

Input (command line arguments):

  1. n1
  2. n2
  3. Axis along which the array is sorted. 0 is to sort array along x, 1 is to sort array along y. Grid elements are equally distibuted between nodes.

Ouput: Sorted array placed on nodes

Hybrid sort algorithm features:

  1. Batcher sort requires the equal number of elements on all nodes. That's why fake elements with index = -1 are added if necessary.
  2. Local sort on nodes has the following algorithm: heap sort of array parts of size 50000, then merge sort on these parts. OpenMP is used for both stages of local sort.
  3. Calculation of parallel algorithm running time, speedup and effectiveness is performed.