
Discord bot to watch availability of courses on Ellucian Banner

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A Discord bot to watch the availability of courses on university registration systems powered by Ellucian Banner.


Requires Python 3. Use either of the following two commands:

python3 setup.py install
python3 -m pip install .


coursewatch path/to/config.yaml

A configuration file in YAML format is required containing the configuration options detailed below.

config.yaml options


  • discord_api_token: The OAuth token for your Discord bot. You can find this on your bot's developer page by clicking the click to reveal link next to Token: label.
  • google_api_token: The API key for your Google Custom Search API. You can find this in the Google Cloud Platform developer console in Credentials under APIs & services for your API project.
  • google_cse_id: The Google Custom Search search engine ID for this bot to use. You can find this by clicking the Search engine ID button in the Details section of the Basics tab under Setup for the custom search engine you want to use on Google Custom Search.


  • seat_data_max_age: The maximum age in seconds of course seating data before new data is retrieved. This is also the polling interval for course seating data when a course is being watched. Defaults to 30 seconds.
  • color: Determines whether output should be in color. One of no, auto, or always. auto automatically detects whether output should be in color based on whether or not the standard error stream is a terminal. Defaults to auto.
  • log_level: One of CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, or DEBUG. Defaults to Python's default, which is WARNING.
  • db_file: The SQLite database file in which to store user and course information. Defaults to coursewatch.db in the current working directory.

Command-line options and environment variables

The configuration file options color, log_level, and db_file can also be passed as the --color, --log-level, and --db-file command-line options, respectively.

All configuration options can be passed through their uppercase variants as environment variables. For example, the discord_api_token configuration option can be passed as the DISCORD_API_TOKEN environment variable.

The order of precedence for configuration options is as follows.

  1. Command-line options
  2. Environment variables
  3. Configuration file options
  4. Defaults