Hi, it's me Marco (not Mario) 👋 (he/him)

Welcome on my github page ! Unfortunately you will not find a lot of things because most of my projects are private.

About me 😳

I'm an entrepreneur and developper.

I was student 📚 at 42born2code the enginering school created by Xavier Niel.

I work as a freelance developper, but most of the time I spend time on my personal projects, from creating innovative software to developing 🎮 video games.

I worked in domains like Banking 🏦 and Influence Marketing 🎯

My languages, tools and environments :

  • Javascript
  • NodeJS
  • C# (csharp)
  • Dart
  • Flutter 📱
  • Unreal Engine 5 🎮
  • Unity 5 🎮
  • SQL 💽
  • NoSQL (Cassandra, MongoDB, CockroachDB) 💽
  • Memory database (Redis) 💽
  • Message broker (RabbitMQ) ✉️
  • Google cloud ☁️
  • Scaleway ☁️

(emoji overdose effect)

I just wanted to put this because it's awesome

Arkansio's GitHub stats