
This library is intend to save our developing time on doing repeatedly crud method.

Primary LanguagePHP


This library is intend to save our developing time on doing repeatedly crud method.Using it with avoid to do crud in model repeatedly and to clean your hand . There was a lot of crud library for codeigniter . Grocery Crud is the well-known library . Easy to use and with ready made UI . I highly recommand to you unsing Grocery is the best way for doing crud on simple database structure .But sometime ,when we face the complex database structure ,from only my point of view , it is slightly difficult to handle that . So , I decided to create that ,light-weight custom crud library . It won't be perfect like grocery library because it was created as I needed at my work . But You can freely use ,modify ,append and contribute it .


Just download and extract zip file . And then , place crud.php into application/libraries and crud_model.php into application/models .

Basic Usage

Before you use this library , need to load it. So , in autoload.php or in your controller as you like .


After loading it ,

Add option in config

Add it to application/config/config.php ..

	$config['result_type'] = 'array';

You can set only 'array' and 'object' to global $config varialble . This is for choosing data type as you like when you get the data .



First parameter $table_name means the table name where you want to insert . Second parameter $data is an array which contains the data what you want to insert . ( Note - array key must be same with the fields of your table ) If the process is successful , it'll return inserted id . If not , return false .

Additional feature for insert method is generating uniqe id . Sometime , we use our custom id which is generated programatically as we want . eg - aka_1, tuts_27 . For that case , we just solve it with passing two additional parameters ,


Third parameter $field means the field name of custom unique id in your table . The last one $prefix is prefix of your unique id , eg - aka_ is the prefix of aka_1 , like that . It'll return generated unique id .


	$data = array(
		'salary' => '5000',
	$where[0]['where_field'] = 'active';
	$where[0]['where_key'] = '1';
  	$where[1]['where_field'] = 'employer_type';
	$where[1]['where_key'] = '3';      
     	$table_name = 'test';

Update method takes three parameters ,

  1. $table_name where you want to update.
  2. $data what you want to update.
  3. $where is an array what you want to rule when updating .

It is similar to be ..


It'll return true if success. If not , return false .


Deleting closely looks like updating . Only one of the difference is not need to pass data array. so , syntax will like that .

	$where[0]['where_field'] = 'id';
	$where[0]['where_key'] = '3';     
     	$table_name = 'test';

It is similar to be ..


It'll return true if success. If not , return false .


Get makes you sligtly confuse to you . But don't worry . I'll explain you as much as I can . Basic syntax is ..

  • $table_name is just where you want to get data from .
  • $where is just a where clause . You can pass unlimited where statements . But you need to pass it with two dimensional array . This is because we need to pass both field where you want to and key what you want to .
  • $rule means conditional clauses like order_by ,distinct ,like , group_by ,etc . Some clause need two parameters and some need one parameter .
  • $join means join clause . It can use unlimited . You also need to pass it with two dimensional array. But , It takes three fields that are table name where you want to join to , field_1 what you want to join with , field_2 what you want to join with from selected table .

It looks like that ..

		$join[0]['target_table'] = 'category';
		$join[0]['target_field'] = 'id';
		$join[0]['parent_field'] = 'category_id';
		$join[1]['target_table'] = 'price';
		$join[1]['target_field'] = 'id';
		$join[1]['parent_field'] = 'price_id';			
		$rule['order_by'] = 'desc';
		$rule['order_field'] = 'id'
		$where[0]['where_field'] = 'active';
		$where[0]['where_key'] = '1';
		$table_name = 'test';

It'll return array if your passing data is match with database . Use foreach loop to get each segment of return array . if not , return false .

Note : you can join two target tables in join statement . Just add 'parent_table' field in $join . If you didn't set 'parent_table' field , we define 'parent_table' is the same with $table_name . $join[0]['target_table'] = 'staff'; $join[0]['target_field'] = 'user_id'; $join[0]['parent_field'] = 'user_id'; $join[1]['target_table'] = 'shop'; $join[1]['target_field'] = 'shop_id'; $join[1]['parent_field'] = 'shop_id'; $join[1]['parent_table'] = 'staff'; $rule['order_by'] = 'desc'; $rule['order_field'] = 'user_id' $where[0]['where_field'] = 'active'; $where[0]['where_key'] = '1'; $table_name = 'user_list'; $this->crud->get($table_name,$where,$rule,$join);

Like that ..


Get by Key

Basic syntax is ..


It is same with Get . But We can kick out $rule array .So, it'll take 3 parameters . It intends to use getting an exact row . In the other way , When we get a certain row by id , we should use it .

		$join[0]['target_table'] = 'category';
		$join[0]['target_field'] = 'id';
		$join[0]['parent_field'] = 'category_id';		
		$where[0]['where_field'] = 'id';
		$where[0]['where_key'] = '1';
		$table_name = 'test';

It'll return one dimensional array if your passing data is match with database . So , We don't need to do foreach loop again . Just ready to use . if not , return false .


Truncate is no need to explain in detail . We all know it that is using for empty the table . So , It'll take simply one parameter , table name where you want to empty to . Basic syntax is ..


Demo will be soon !