
Adds /title and tabmenu header and footer functionality using the Spigot 1.8 hack

Primary LanguageJava


TitleManager adds floating messages and a header/footer for your tabmenu. TitleManager also provides you with a rich API, that you can use in your plugins.


  • /tm reload - Reloads the config.
  • /tm broadcast - Sends a floating message to all players on the server. (Devide messages up into 2 with lines using inside of your message)
  • /tm msg - Sends a floating message to a specific player on the server. (Devide messages up into 2 with lines using inside of your message)


  • reload - titlemanager.commands.reload
  • broadcast - titlemanager.commands.broadcast
  • msg - titlemanager.commands.message


Using TitleManager

To use TitleManager within your plugin, make sure to have done the following. First add TitleManager-X.X.X.jar to your build path. Then, add TitleManager as a dependency to your plugin.yml file:

depend: [TitleManager]

Alternatively, you can add as a soft dependency softdepend: [TitleManager] if you can live without it. Another alternative would be to check for the plugin within onEnable() inside of your Main class:

public void onEnable() {
  if (getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("TitleManager") != null && getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("TitleManager").isEnabled())
    getLogger().info("Successfully hooked into TitleManager!");
  else {
    getLogger().warning("Failed to hook into TitleManager, disabling plugin!");

Now you should be good to go and ready to use the API inside of your plugins!

The Objects

TitleManager provides you with two objects, one being TitleObject.java which controls everything to do with the floating messages on your screen, and the other being TabTitleObject.java which controls everything to do with the header and footer on the Tabmenu (aka the playerlist).

Creating simple functions using the objects.
Simple title functions

This will simply show a given title and subtitle on the players screen.

void sendFloatingText(Player player, String title, String subtitle) {
  new TitleObject(title, subtitle).send(player);

This will show a given title (without a subtitle) on the players screen, with a given fade in, stay and fade out time.

void sendFloatingText(Player player, String title, int fadeIn, int stay, int fadeOut) {
  new TitleObject(title, TitleObject.Position.TITLE).setFadeIn(fadeIn).setStay(stay).setFadeOut(fadeOut).send(player);
Simple header/footer functions

This will change the header and footer of a given player's tabmenu.

void setHeaderAndFooter(Player player, String header, String footer) {
  new TabTitleObject(header, footer).send(player);

This will change just the header of a given player's tabmenu.

void setHeader(Player player, String header) {
  new TabTitleObject(header, TabTitleObject.Position.HEADER);

The Events.

TitleManager provides you with two custom Cancellable events. one being TitleEvent.java which allows you to control or cancel the outcome of a Title being sent to a player, and the other being TabTitleChangeEvent.java which allows you to control or cancel the outcome of a Tabmenu header or footer update being sent to a player.

Simply use these like any other Event, e.g:

public void onTitleSend(TitleEvent event) {
  else event.setCancelled(false);

public void onTabTitleChange(TabTitleChangeEvent event) {
  else event.setCancelled(false);