
A Node.js wrapper for libgphoto2

Primary LanguageC++


A Node.js wrapper for libgphoto2. Useful for remote controlling of DSLRs and other digital cameras supported by gphoto2.

The included test application currently allows you to

  • receive a live preview of your camera (if supported). Tested with an EOS 550D on a 2010 iMac at ~17 fps using Chrome (Safari doesn't work and FF is slow as hell).
  • query a list of available configuration options
  • query the values of specific configuration options

The test suite can be run using npm test. There's also a small test application in test/test-server.coffee which runs on http://localhost:1337 and allows to change camera settings and to take pictures.


  • Node.js ~0.10.0
  • NPM ~1.2.15
  • libgphoto2 ~2.5.0 - via brew install libgphoto2, apt-get install libgphoto2-2-dev or download and build from http://www.gphoto.org/proj/libgphoto2/
  • pkg-config | dpkg (used for dependency checking)
  • clang compiler

Test/dev prerequisites

  • async
  • coffee-script
  • mocha
  • should
  • sinon

Test-server prerequisites

  • express
  • jade
  • underscore


After installing the dependencies, just install using: npm install gphoto2 If it fails, please thoroughly check the output - link errors usually indicate missing dependencies. Also, the script tries to detect wether libgphoto2 is correctly installed - if this check fails although you properly installed it, please report :)


This example only shows how to achieve certain tasks, it's not meant to be executed without any asynchronous control flow logic.

gphoto2 = require('gphoto2');
GPhoto = new gphoto2.GPhoto2();
fs = require('fs');

// List cameras / assign list item to variable to use below options
  if(list.length === 0) return;
  var camera = list[0];
  console.log("Found", camera.model);

  // get configuration tree
  camera.getConfig(function(er, settings){

  // Set configuration values
  camera.setConfigValue('capturetarget', 1, function(er){

  // Take picture with camera object obtained from list()
  camera.takePicture({download:true}, function(er, data){
    fs.writeFile("picture.jpg", data);

  // Take picture without downloading immediately
  camera.takePicture({download:false}, function(er, path){

  // Take picture and download it to filesystem
    }, function(er, tmpname){
      fs.rename(tmpname, './picture.jpg');

  // Download a picture from camera
    }, function(er, tmpname){
      fs.rename(tmpname, './picture.jpg');

  // Get preview picture (from AF Sensor, fails silently if unsupported)
  camera.takePicture({preview:true}, function(er, data){
    fs.writeFile("picture.jpg", data);


This project uses Semantic versioning.
