
Webapp to track children in poverty.

Primary LanguagePython


Created for GeorgeHacks + Lantuun Dohio Hackathon


Currently, Lantuun Dohio (a mongolian nonprofit) has a campaign where they visit possibly abused children in the shantytowns around Ulaanbaatar. They record some information about these children by filling out paper forms, then saving them in excel. This is inefficient because they just use paper, and becauase of the lack of addresses in the shantytowns, there is no way to know where these children were, to revisit them and check up on them again.


Our Solution:

Create a web-based application that:

  • Saves location automatically + pertenant information of possibly abused children.
  • Query the database of visited children by name, and the date they were last visited
  • Visualization of what areas the nonprofit has visited the most, and where they should visit next.
  • Provides directions to the latitude/ longitude of the child