
Assignment const getPosts = (searchObject, sortObject, limit, skip) => { const posts = db.blogs.find(searchObject).toArray() return posts }

// 1. Update searchObject so that the query in getPosts searches for //all posts with a createdAt date greater than May 1, 2022 const searchObject = { db.BlogsDB.findAll({ createdAt:{$gt:Date("5/1/2022") } }) const sortObject = {} const limit = 10 const skip = 0

const createPost = (newPost) => { const id = getUUID() const createdAt = Date() const lastModified = Date() const postData = { createdAt: "Date", lastModified: "Date", id:"getUUID" } db.BlogDB.insertOne(postData) }

const newPost = { title: "The Dark Knight Movie Review", text: "This movie was amazing because I am Batman.", author: "Bruce Wayne", categories: ["superhero", "action", "thriller"] } // createPost(newPost) //Uncomment the following line when you're ready to run getPosts // const posts = getPosts(searchObject, sortObject, limit, skip) // console.log(posts)

// 2. Add code in createPost so that a new blog post will be created when createPost is called. //Note: id, createdAt and lastModified will have to be generated. The id field can be generated with the provided getUUID() //function which will return a random UUID. const updatePost = (id, newPostData) => { db.blogs.updateOne({createdAt}, {lastModified}) // Update this line with your code }

const updatedPost = { title: "The Dark Knight Movie Review", text: "This movie was amazing because I am Batman, and totally not Bruce Wayne. I don't even know who that is.", author: "Batman", categories: ["superhero", "action", "thriller"] } const postId = "getUUID" // This variable should be the uuid of the blog post you created before using createPost

//Uncomment the following line when you're ready to run updatePost updatePost(postId, updatedPost)/

// 3. Add code in updatePost so that Mongo will find the post created before using createPost and update it to the new data // in updatedPost. // Note: You will need to change the postId variable to be the UUID given to the blog post you created before using createPost().

const deletePost = (id) => { // Your code here ... }

const postIdToDelete = ""

// Uncomment the following line when you're ready to run deletePost // deletePost(postIdToDelete)

// 4. Add code in deletePost so that it will find a post by the given id and delete it. db.BlogsDB.deleteOne({ id:"c2d455d4-a0ff-4a07-8e04-098371240003" })

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