

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Color Calculator

In this project we'll create a program that can combine and deconstruct colors according to the following tables

Color combining

inputs output
red + blue purple
red + yellow orange
blue + yellow green
anything else "error"

Color deconstructing

input outputs
purple red + blue
orange red + yellow
green blue + yellow
anything else error

We won't worry about any colors that are neither primary nor secondary colors.

Your program

Fork and clone. Write your code in a file named main.js.

Your program should prompt the user for whether they want to combine colors or deconstruct a color (it's up to you what this user interface looks like exactly).

If the user chooses to combine, prompt them for two colors (one at a time). Combine the colors (using if, else if, and else statements) then log the result.

If the user chooses to deconstruct, prompt them for a single color. Deconstruct the color (using if, else if, and else statements) then log the result.

Stretch goals

Remove the intial question about whether the user wants to combine or deconstruct. Instead, prompt the user a single time for colors. If the user inputs a single color (i.e.: "purple"), deconstruct it. If the user inputs two colors separated by a space, (i.e.: "red blue"), combine them.

To do this, check out the string method, .includes(): https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/includes