Hello Node!

Tradition in programming is that the first program you write with a new language is a program that simply logs out the message "Hello world."

We'll follow tradition in this assignment and write the Hello World program in Javascript. We'll then run this program using Node.js, a program that we'll run using the command line.

Step 1: Install Node.js

Node download page: https://nodejs.org/en/download/

For Windows: Download the correct installer based on if you are running a 32-bit or 64-bit system (Go to your settings (Windows Key + i) -> System -> About (might need to scroll down) Inside about look for System type to see if you are on a 32-bit or 64-bit system.

For Mac: Download the mac installer.

After installing the installer on either Windows/Mac, run the installer to completion.

When done, you may need to restart your terminal.

Run the command: node --version

If that command runs successfully and you didn't get an error, you should be good to go! If not, see the instructor or a TA for help

Step 2: Writing Hello World

Now, fork this repository and clone it to your computer. Open up the folder in VSCode and create a javascript file called main.js. Write a line of code that logs out "hello world".

Finally, lets run the program. In the command line, navigate to the directory containing main.js. Run it with the command node main.js. If you see "hello world" logged out in the terminal, you've succeeded!

Step 3: Mega Hello World

Now, see if you can log out the following text (you'll need multiple console.log statements).

HH   HH        lll lll                                  lll      dd !!! 
HH   HH   eee  lll lll  oooo   ww      ww  oooo  rr rr  lll      dd !!! 
HHHHHHH ee   e lll lll oo  oo  ww      ww oo  oo rrr  r lll  dddddd !!! 
HH   HH eeeee  lll lll oo  oo   ww ww ww  oo  oo rr     lll dd   dd     
HH   HH  eeeee lll lll  oooo     ww  ww    oooo  rr     lll  dddddd !!!                                                                         

Stretch Goals

Print out additional big text of your choice, feel free to use https://www.messletters.com/en/big-text/ for help.