At work we have a prank to install browser extension which replaces all images to Nicolas Cage (see nCage: whenever any of us leaves the desk computer unattended. Because of that, I always need to lock my screen even when I am going to washroom. Remembering to press lockscreen keyboard combination is cumbersome, so I decided to build this project. It is mostly based on this two projects (Shantanu's webcam autolocker and Shantnu Tiwari's Face Recognition with Python Project is still raw, however accomplishes the purpose.
- Linux (mine is Ubuntu 16.04 )
- Motion software
sudo apt-get install motion
- OpenCV software (tedious process, but there is a well written guide
- Clone repo
- In file motion.conf:
Change daemon to 'on' ( to run motion as daemon)
daemon on
Run below command to check webcam names on the computer
$ ls -ltrh /dev/video*
Since I am using USB webcam, I am using /dev/video1 Change value to the preferred camera
videodevice /dev/video1
Change input config
input -1
- Enter your python environment (as per guide
$ workon cv
- Run bash_script (make sure it is executable)
(cv) $ nohup python &
- Enjoy ur privacy)
Basically, ( upon detected motion creates file 'motion_images/autolock_motion.jpg'. Then, face recognition command is run to detect if the newly created autolock_motion.jpg picture has a face on it. If it doesn't - it means that user left the desk (i.e. picture of a chair or a wall). So the screen is locked. Feel free to to add improvements.
I am planning to go one step further, and lock screen based on face recognition --- lock screen if person is not me))
Yay! I've added facerecognition -> see branch facerecognition :)