
Yet Another Ethereum Gas Price Estimator

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Yet Another Ethereum Gas Price Estimator

Getting started

First clone the project using:

git clone git@github.com:ArmanMazdaee/yaegpe.git
cd yaegpe

This part assumes you have Docker installed on your machine. Then start the project using:

make start

This will start serving the application on

You can also see the logs and stop the server using:

make logs
make stop

Tests can be run respectively with:

make test




  • Tracker is responsible for following the changes to the head of the blockchain and also informing the estimator of the changes
  • Sampler is responsible for collecting a sample of gas prices from a specific block and returning it to the estimator
  • The estimator uses the retuned gas prices from the sampler to predict the appropriate gas price. Also, it caches the results and invalidates cache on changes to the head.

Design Criteria

  • Service should put the minimal load on the Ethereum node and any cachable data should be requested only once
  • Upcoming request data should be prefetched and cached in advanced
  • Predicted prices should be updated as soon as a new block gets minted to the blockchain
  • Each component should be testable in isolation


The system requires to be run against an Ethereum node with Londen fork enabled.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.