
Primary LanguageC#

Engeneering Thesis "Design and implementation of hardware key software for user files protection and access authorization"

PAAK (Pendrive as a key) - Security Software

Table of Contents


Copyright (c) 2021 Armand Pajor
PAAK is provided as-is under the MIT license for noncomercial and educational purposes.

General info

This program allows to create an authentication key from USB device and protect your files.
Program works offline and every user has an independent account. Files stay encrypted until you connect your authentication USB device key which is related to your account and your files.

Demo is recorded as a screencast in "screencast" directory.


Project is created with:



Windows .NET Framework 4.0


Download PAAK.exe from Paak_portable folder https://github.com/Armand98/paak/blob/master/Paak_portable/PAAK.exe


  • Login
  • Registration
  • USB devices monitoring system
  • Creating an authentication key from USB device with RSA cryptography
  • Files and folders explorer
  • Files AES cryptography
  • Factory reset and data recovery


1.0 version released


Project inspired by YubiKey


Email: pajorarmand@gmail.com


  1. Login screen:
    Alt text

  2. Registration screen:
    Alt text

  3. General information screen (Unauthorized):
    Alt text

  4. General information screen (Authorized):
    Alt text

  5. Devices screen:
    Alt text

  6. Files screen:
    Alt text

  7. Folders screen:
    Alt text

  8. Factory reset (files recovery):
    Alt text