
This script read the Matriz-Honorarios-2017 (Google Sheets) and proceses the new user, when the field Id is 0 the script know the user is new in the system ,read all row and register a new user in SAP (MMSQL) and Teamwork.

Primary LanguagePython

Sync - Google - Sheets To MMSQL

This script read the Matriz-Honorarios-2017 (Google Sheets) and proceses the new user, when the field Id is 0 the script know the user is new in the system ,read all row and register a new user in SAP (MMSQL) and Teamwork.

Tools used in this project

  • Python 2.7.11
  • pypyodbc
  • urllib2
  • json
  • unicodedata
  • datetime,time
  • httplib2
  • os
  • apiclient
  • oauth2client
  • requests

Descriptions of scripts

mian.py : In this script are all function that can create user or update user.

credential.py : The script have all tools that we needs to do login with the Api’s google sheet v4.

create_user.py : With this script can read the Sheets of google (MatrizHonorarios2017) and create new user in SAP and Teamwork.

update_user.py : With this script we can update the cost in our system’s cost the table sap.RecurosCostos.

notification.py : This script send a email when happen a error in others scripts.

TokenTW.py : This script have the user and tokens var for TeamworAPI.

TokenDB.py : This script have the connectionString, user and password to connect to MSSQL.

How is works