
A theme for the XFCE4 terminal with light & dark versions.

MIT LicenseMIT

Coldark Banner


GitHub License GitHub package.json version

An optimized theme for web development that comes with two versions: light & dark.


Coldark is a gray-blue theme. The colors used respect the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) in order to provide sufficient reading comfort.


Coldark consists of three color palettes. The first is common to both versions. The other two each apply to a version.

Coldark uses 16 colors for each theme. However, the Coldark version for the XFCE4 terminal only uses 11 colors.

Light Theme Dark Theme Both
Denomination Hex Code Preview Hex Code Preview Description
coldark00 #e3eaf2 #e3eaf2 #111b27 #111b27 Default background & Black
coldark02 #8da1b9 #8da1b9 #3c526d #3c526d Selection background
coldark03 #3c526d #3c526d #8da1b9 #8da1b9 Dark gray
coldark05 #111b27 #111b27 #e3eaf2 #e3eaf2 Default foreground & Light gray
coldark06 #0b121b #0b121b #f0f4f8 #f0f4f8 White
coldark08 #006d6d #006d6d #66cccc #66cccc Cyan
coldark09 #755f00 #755f00 #e6d37a #e6d37a Yellow
coldark10 #005a8e #005a8e #6cb8e6 #6cb8e6 Blue / Tab activity color
coldark11 #116b00 #116b00 #91d076 #91d076 Green
coldark12 #af00af #af00af #f4adf4 #f4adf4 Magenta
coldark15 #c22f2e #c22f2e #cd6660 #cd6660 Red


Light Theme Dark Theme
Coldark Terminal Light Coldark Terminal Dark


If the folder ~/.local/share/xfce4/terminal/colorschemes/ does not exist, create it. Then place the color schemes in the folder.


  1. Open your XFCE4 terminal
  2. Open the "Edit" menu and select "Preferences"
  3. Select the "Colors" tab.
  4. You will see a "Load Presets" drop-down menu. In the list, you should now see "Coldark - Cold" and "Coldark - Dark". Select the one you want.

Coldark XFCE4 Terminal


This project is open source and available under the MIT License.