Full-stack web developer who loves to help customers solve their problems. (open to work)
TheRealArmaniSouth Florida
Armania's Following
- api-platformThe World Wide Web
- bobangajicsmDuneolas
- carlosazaustre@PintaAPIs
- CodecademyNew York, NY
- Dusch4593Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
- EasyCorp
- eazybytesEazyBytes
- EmmaDawsonDevStockholm, Sweden
- Eniola-Codes
- epicmaxcoGeorgia
- excalidraw
- ezsystemsNorway
- facebookMenlo Park, California
- freeCodeCampUnited States of America
- googleUnited States of America
- itsZed0
- izayevisualsSEATTLE
- jasongin@Microsoft
- jh3yDesign Engineer @vercel ▲
- LeannapelhamSymfonyCasts
- M0nicaNew York, New York
- mdnWorldwide
- open-saucedOakland, CA
- oracleAustin, TX
- parcel-bundler
- rollup
- siddheshranadeCesium
- SSwiniarski
- swagger-api
- symfonyThe Internet
- SymfonyCasts
- unaGoogle
- vitejs
- walkthru
- yangc95New York