
🧠 A deep learning model that classifies brain images as either having a tumor or not.

Primary LanguagePython

# 🧠 Brain Tumor Detection with Deep Learning

Welcome to the **Brain Tumor Detection** project! This repository contains a deep learning model that classifies brain images as either having a tumor or not. Dive into the power of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and see how they can be used in medical imaging! 🚀

## 📁 Project Structure


├── brain_tumor_dataset/
│   ├── no/         # Images without tumors
│   └── yes/        # Images with tumors

├── Brain-tumor-detector.py        # Model training and evaluation
└── Brain-tumor-probability.py     # Tumor probability prediction for a specific image

📜 Description

This project uses a CNN model to classify brain images into two categories:

  • No tumor (stored in brain_tumor_dataset/no)
  • Tumor (stored in brain_tumor_dataset/yes)

🛠️ Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Armanx200/Brain-tumor-detector.git
    cd Brain-tumor-detector
  2. Install dependencies:

    pip install tensorflow opencv-python scikit-learn
  3. Download the dataset:

    • Ensure you have the brain tumor dataset in the correct structure as shown above.

🚀 Training the Model

Run the Brain-tumor-detector.py script to train the model:

python Brain-tumor-detector.py

This script:

  • Loads and preprocesses the dataset.
  • Splits the data into training and testing sets.
  • Builds and trains a CNN model.
  • Evaluates the model and displays the test accuracy.

🔍 Predicting Tumor Probability

To predict the probability of a specific image having a tumor, use the Brain-tumor-probability.py script:

  1. Ensure the model is trained and saved as brain_tumor_model.h5.

  2. Run the prediction script:

    python Brain-tumor-probability.py

    This script will:

    • Load the trained model.
    • Preprocess the specified image.
    • Output the probability of the image being a tumor.

📊 Model Performance

The model achieves impressive accuracy on the test set. See the script output for detailed performance metrics.

🛠️ Tools and Technologies

  • TensorFlow/Keras: For building and training the neural network.
  • OpenCV: For image processing.
  • Scikit-learn: For data splitting and preprocessing.

📸 Sample Results

Below is an example of how the model predicts the probability of an image being a tumor:

Sample Brain Image

Probability of the image being a tumor: 95.44%

🤝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please create a pull request or open an issue for any improvements or bug fixes.

📜 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Developed with ❤️ by Armanx200