
This C++ program implements a simple phonebook management system using file I/O operations.

Primary LanguageC++


Phonebook Management System This C++ program implements a simple phonebook management system using file I/O operations. The phonebook is stored in a text file named phonebook.txt. The program allows users to add new phone numbers, mark existing numbers for expropriation, and delete specified numbers from the phonebook.


  • Add Number: Users can add a new phone number along with a national code to the phonebook. The program checks for duplicate entries before adding.
  • Expropriate Number: Users can mark a phone number for expropriation, changing its status to 0 and nullifying the national code.
  • Delete Number: Users can permanently delete a specified phone number from the phonebook.


  • Compile the program using a C++ compiler.
  • Run the compiled executable.
  • Choose from the menu options:
    • 1: Add a new phone number.
    • 2: Mark a phone number for expropriation.
    • 3: Exit the program.

File Handling

  • The phonebook data is stored in the phonebook.txt file.
  • The program reads and writes to this file to manage phonebook entries.


  • Ensure that the program has the necessary file read and write permissions.
  • Please review the code for any customization or modifications based on specific requirements.
  • Use responsibly and ethically.

Arman Kianian